Friday, September 4, 2009

Detecting Vulnerable IIS-FTP Hosts Using Nmap

Based on an existing Nmap script, I quickly wrote a new one which performs the following actions:

* Check if anonymous sessions are allowed.
* Check if the detected FTP server is running Microsoft ftpd.
* Check if the MKDIR command is allowed (this seems to be required by the exploit)

If all those conditions are met, the script exits with a warning message. Note that my script will only report servers which could be vulnerable. On the other side, running a server with anonymous users able to create directories is a major security breach and must be fixed independently of the newly discovered vulnerability!

To use the Nmap script, copy it in your local script repositoty (something like /usr/local/share/nmap/scripts/) and rebuild your scripts index:

# nmap --script-updatedb

Then, the script will be executed against all detected FTP servers (using the “-Sc” argument) or you can specify only one script to be executed (for speed):

# nmap -p 21 -sV --script=IIS-FTP

Starting Nmap 4.76 ( ) at 2009-09-01 01:15 CEST
Interesting ports on test-win (
21/tcp open ftp Microsoft ftpd
|_ IIS FTP: IIS Server allow anonymous and mkdir (potentially vulnerable)
Service Info: OS: Windows

The script is available here. Note that it is provided “as is”. it’s just a quick hack which worked for me.

Maybe you were not aware of the Nmap scripting capabilities. Feel free to read this small introduction to Nmap scripting.



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